The structure of the management organisation
The organisation is formed by enthusiastic professionals who work together in different groups. Namely, a management committee, an expert committee, an application committee and a sounding board group. Because all members of the organisation are users themselves, no separate User Committee has been set up.
Guide principles
The following principles are used as guiding principles and form the framework within which the management organisation operates.
- Always find the common denominator, based on best practices. Do not try to describe the dot on the horizon, but rather use experience to secure improvements and working solutions in a sustainable and structural manner.
- Support and build on this initiative based on the belief that you should never compete with each other on standardisation, but should find each other on standardisation.
- Keep it stupidly simple. Do not describe every exception, keep it robust and focus on applicability.
- Apply the 80%-20% rule, capture 80% of the effectiveness with 20% of the agreements.
- The strength of the management organisation lies in the fact that they are enthusiasts. Matters are therefore picked up and carried out on the basis of intrinsic motivation.
- Limit the introduction of formalities and organisational structures to what is strictly necessary, which is necessary to take further steps.
Objectives and members
The objective of the management organisation is: To work towards a world in which information from models in the built environment is exchangeable, structured, unambiguous, correct, complete and reusable.
Each committee and the sounding board group acts within this objective. The committees also have a clear relationship with each other. The triangular relationship between the management organisation of the BIM basis ILS, BIM Loket and BuildingSMART Benelux is also evident here. This triangular relationship is crucial for the success and sustainability of the BIM basis ILS.
Management Committee
Aim: With the BIM basis ILS contribute to a world where model information is exchangeable, structured, unambiguous, correct, complete and reusable.
- Jeffrey Truijens, chairman (VDNDP)
- Niels Groot, Secretary (M.J. de Nijs en Zonen)
- Tijn Brands (Government Property Agency)
- Marcel van Bavel (Based / ANNO1809)
Expert committee
Aim: to ensure uniformity in agreements and use of the BIM basis ILS.
- Lex Ransijn, Chairman (VDC Base)
- Menno Mekes, Secretary (Arons en Gelauff architecten)
- Mathijs Natrop (buildingSMART)
- Leon Leenders (Verhoeven & Leenders)
- Juun Steen (Ballast Nedam)
- Bart Jeurissen (Van Aken)
- Jurre van Zijverden (The Bimfabriek)
- Anke Zuiker (Vericon)
- Ben Huijskes (JP van Eesteren)
- Pepijn van der Vooren (Strukton Worksphere)
- Tom Terpstra (Root bv)
- Klaas Dunnink (Van den Berg bouwkundigen)
- Joran Grentzius (Duyts Bouwconstructies BV)
- Djorhia Nijssen-Treskes (DIBS42)
- Wim Woermeijer (Compact Fire Prevention)
Application committee
Aim: To simplify the use of the BIM basis ILS within the various software packages and within the projects by means of supporting documents or activities.
- Martijn van den Berg, Chairman (Van de Ven Bouw & Ontwikkeling, VolkerWessels)
- Marc Dankers, Secretary (Dankers Slimmer Bouwen)
- Harmen Jorritsma (Van Wijnen)
- Jos Noordzij (DEMO bv)
- Ekko Nap (Groosman)
- Teun de Vries (RoosRos Architects)
- Coen Claus (Coen Hagedoorn)
- Robbert Evers (Bim4all)
- Niek Rooijackers (Stam en de Koning)
- Denise Bos (Based)
- Herman Ekkelkamp (Calduran)
Sounding board group
Purpose: supervising the direction and decisions of the Management Committee and thus the future-proofing of the BIM basis ILS.
- Han den Hartog, chairman (Xella)
- Berend Koudstaal (ISSO)
- Stefhan Broekema (Dura Vermeer)
- Jeroen Koomen (JP van Eesteren)
- Marthyn van Heek (Plegt-Vos)
- Mathijs Natrop (buildingSMART)
- Stefan Kauffeld (Byldis)
- Stefan Katier (Kabu)
- Jordy Graafland (BAM Construction and Engineering)
- Martijn Schuil (Inbo bv)
The management of the BIM basis ILS is performed by the BIM Loket in cooperation with buildingSMART Benelux.
To share knowledge internationally and make the BIM world more open, we have organised translations to other languages. International contacts deliver their translated text to us if they wish and we have organised the incorporation in the house style infograpic and website. Contacts are listed below.
- English
- German
- French
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Italian
- Romanian
- Estonian
- Danish
- Swedish
- Polish
- Russian
- Armenian
- Turkish
- Chinese
- Korean
- Japanese
- Czech
- Arabic