How we exchange information
From everyone and for everyone
To ensure that information is and remains exchangeable, regardless of which software is used, we have opted for IFC, an international open data structure. This standard is developed and managed by buildingSMART International. By agreeing on a common language, based on an open standard, the shared information in models will also remain available in the longer term.
Currently, IFC2x3 TC1 is the most widely used version, followed by IFC4. Many applications are able to use both IFC2x3 and IFC4 because they have a similar structure. For more information about the international open standards, see
Aspect models
A building model consists of several aspect models, divided by discipline and/or building element. Several aspect models can also exist within a single discipline. Separate aspect models can be exported from discipline models. These can come from one source file. So, agree which part of the model you will export.